Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's in your Nest?

Greetings, I'm new here!

I can't believe that this is one of my New Years resolutions (to start a blog) and I got it done early! Woo-Hoo! I hope the rest of the year goes this well.

Anyway, my definition of the "nest" is a cozy place called home. In a nest or home, we all tend to nurture ourselves and family with the things that we love. I love to collect and create handmade items. A handmade piece of art usually comes with a story, a memory, a piece of history and/or a sentimental meaning.

On this blog, I plan to share with you all the things I love to create and collect for my nest.

Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year, Susan


  1. Congrats on setting up your blog and getting an early start on your New Year's resolutions! What a great way to kick off the year!

  2. Thanks! I may need help figuring out the rest, ugh!
